InfertilitySperm formation is regulated by the genes on chromosomes and any defects on these regions can lead to problems in sperm formation, development and differentiation.... Read more
Teratogen AgentsEnvironmental factors and some chemicals may result in malfunctioning in fetus during pregnancy. The impact of teratogens on pregnancy differs depending on agent’s... Read more
Advanced Maternal AgeHuman body is made up of cells within which structures known as nucleus exist. Nucleus contains 46 chromosomes and any deficiency or a surplus in the number of these... Read more
Recurrent Pregnancy LossAlthough it is thought that about 15-20% of pregnancies result in a miscarriage, the ratio is expected higher since women may not perceive early miscarriage or they may... Read more
Genetic Counselling – IntroductionGenetic Counselling provides the information not only to those who are at risk group of having or carrying a genetic disease but also Counsellor enlightens their close... Read more
Consanguineous MarriageConsanguineous marriage is the marriage between partners having kinship to each other. Primary consanguineous marriage is defined as a union between two individuals who... Read more